
Coconut Oil Label

Coconut Oil

Also available: Organic Coconut Oil.

This non-hydrogenated oil is refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD), and possesses properties that make it unique among edible oils. It has a high concentration of medium chain triglycerides, consisting mostly of short chain fatty acids, and is solid below and liquid above 76°F. It is highly stable against oxidation and is frequently used in applications where long shelf like is desired. Its low viscosity produces a less greasy mouth feel compared to other edible oils.

Process Flow: Derived from the meat of coconuts. Solvent extracted. Refined, bleached and deodorized.

Status of ingredient: 76°F Coconut oil, CFC 550 is considered Vegan, Lactose free, gluten free, glutamate free, BSE free

Storage and shelf life: Store at 65-75°F in a dry and odor-free environment. Best if used within 18 months from the date of manufacture in unopened containers.

Contact sales about packaging options and product availability.